Anchored 4 Life

Anchored 4 Life Logo

Contact: Ms. Reynolds and Mrs. Gibson

Purpose:The Anchored4Life Club is the place where connections happen. It is a peer-to-peer club to connect youth while building transition and resiliency skills. The club provides opportunities for peers to enhance social skills, learn leadership skills, build character, improve self-esteem and integrate into their community. Student leaders will help our students build and strengthen positive connections with others while acquiring valuable life skills. 

Requirements: Students are nominated by their homeroom teacher for exemplifying SOARING behavior. Students are to attend monthly meetings. There are no Financial Obligations.

Planned activities: Leadership Training, Sharing of inspirational Quotes to increase positive interactions, Real-Talk Activities to teach and reinforce life skills to help overcome transitional challenges, School Tours, and an Annual School Service Project.


Anchored4Life Team Leaders